Samstag, 29. Juni 2013

Skinny Love

"she's an incredibly important person that i lived with for a long time,
but it's about that time in a relationship that i was going through; 
you're in a relationship because you need help, but that's not necessarily
why you should be in a relationship. And that's skinny. It doesn't have weight.
Skinny love doesn't have a chance, because it's not nourished."

2 Kommentare:

N.† hat gesagt…

dein blog ist wunderschön, weißt du das?

Sandy20 hat gesagt…

Ich habe deinen Blog gerade gelesen & er gefällt mir sehr.
Wie geht es dir heute ?
Leidest du noch an Panikattacken ?
Ich würde gern mehr von dir lesen :)